Sentry Solutions Lubricants & Protectants

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Sentry Solutions Ltd. was founded over 40 years ago, with the mission of applying 21st Century dry film technology to combat corrosion, friction and wear. We applied our expertise to revolutionize the care and maintenance of the firearms and gear carried by military and law enforcement personnel. Our innovative products are designed and developed specifically for people whose lives depend on the reliability and performance of their firearms and equipment.

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Sentry Solutions Marine Tuf Cloth SY1020 Price : $20.00 Out of Stock The lint-free replacement for oil and silicone rags. Non-toxic dry film corrosion inhibitors and lub Notify Me
Sentry Solutions Marine Tuff Glide Dry Film 4oz Spray Bottle SY91023 Price : $50.00 Marine Tuf-Glide is designed to protect your gear during for ocean use, extreme conditions and long Add to Wishlist
Sentry Solutions Tuf Cloth SY1010 Price : $20.00 Out of Stock The lint-free replacement for oil and silicone rags. Non-toxic dry film corrosion inhibitors and lub Notify Me
Sentry Solutions Tuff Glide Dry Film 4oz Spray Bottle SY1064 Price : $50.00 Tuf-glide dry film rust Inhibitor does not attract dirt dust and debris on guns knives and tools A Add to Wishlist